About Us
The administration works to provide general spiritual and administrative guidance for the functioning of church offices, various departments, subsidiary organizational units and institutions. In the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the administration of all organizational levels, other then the local church, is assumed by elected officers – president, secretary and treasurer. If needed, the administration can be enlarged by electing vice-presidents, associate secretaries and associate treasurers to carry on the administrative agenda of the given organizational unit of the church. The organizational units of the church are the following: the (1) Local church or congregation, which is formed by a specific group of Seventh-day Adventists in a defined location, the (2) Local Conference, which consists of a group of local churches in a defined region or geographic area, the (3) Union Conference or Union of Churches, which is comprised of a specific group of local conferences or churches in a larger geographic area (in Europe, each country is usually a Union), and the (4) General Conference, comprised of 13 regional divisions around the world, which serves as the church's world headquarters.